Wednesday, June 15, 2011

McNeely Piggott & Fox Public Relations

McNeely Pigott & Fox Public Relations

Most computers are PC. The head designer uses PC.

Everyone – the entire staff, not just the art department – is learning Final Cut Pro.
A Mac is used or this.

Backups on a server and DVD's.

75% of design work is print. Remainder is web and multi media.

The impact of technology..........

55 + demographic gets national and local news from newspapers and TV.

25-35 demo gets this from Internet (national) and Facebook (local)

They are curious about the future and the impact of technology. A need is how to tap into younger demographic that uses texting for information.

Excellent writing is demanded.

Meetings once per week to assess goals. Year long goals set by partners once a year. Length of meetings based on Dell Computer model - 1 hour max.

Teams work on projects. Teams meet once a week.

Task log.

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