Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Emerging Technologies

Written portion submitted in Dropbox by June 30. Be sure you discuss the content and questions in the assignment. If there is something you cannot answer, explain why.

Presentation dates and topics:

Betty_Color changing

Brenda_3D printers in Education

Elliot_Hand held registers with an emphasis on the retake aspect of it

Jeff_Solid state batteries, as found in Technology Review's 2011 Top Ten Emerging Technologies news column.

Marena_storage devices or hydrogen automobiles

Kelsie_1. Using shale to make oil 2. Watering plants in the desert 3. Cars made out of lighter more eco friendly stuff (such as hemp) or 4. aps taking over software you buy at the store

June 30 Roger_Near Field Communications

Sydnei_Later this year, the startup Sifteo , based in San Francisco, will bring to market handheld, computerized cubes that can sense each other and run a variety of interactive programs.

Trevor_Touch Screen Table Tops

Katherine_The Invisible iPhone


Micheline_a camera that is about to come out that will allow you to focus after the picture has been taken.


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