Friday, July 15, 2011

Using the Nikon film scanner

Using the Nikon Film Scanner

1. Download the manual and save it as a PDF

2. Go to pages 24-34

On page 35, This should be all set for you.

3. Then, pages 36-38.

4. Pages 40-46 has detailed information on the Scan Window, ICE, ROC, and GEM.

ICE, ROC and GEM need to be done in Preview.

ICE for scratches and dust

ICE normal may be sufficient. ICE fine may soften the image.

ICE does not work with conventional black and white film, but would work with chromogenic black and white. Not recommended for Kodachrome, since Kodachrome was not E6 slide processed.

ROC for restoring faded colors.

View in preview. It is powerful and may look unnatural.

GEM for grain.

Preview levels. Start at level 2?

ICE may need to be turned off.

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