Sunday, October 21, 2012

october 22_review activity

Imaging Technologies.oct 22, 2012

Your client has sent you several documents created in Microsoft Word. You also have Microsoft Word software. The documents include clip art images and photos. The client's logo is also in one of the documents. The client insists that the logo color be "correct". There are certain typefaces in the document that the client wants you to use. From these documents, the client wants you to create a four color ad for the Nashville Scene as well as a four color printed poster.

There are several "imaging technologies" related problems with the client-provided materials.
What are they? How do you get what you need?
What software will you use to create the ad and the poster?
How will you determine the sizes of the ad and the poster?
What resolutions will you use for the ad and the poster? How will you determine those resolutions?
If you scan a photo or logo, what will your scanning resolutions be? What file format(s) will you use to save the scans for your page layout software?
How can you be sure the client's logo color is correct?
When you have finished, how will you save and send the client your work for approval?
When the client receives your work on his/her cell phone, the response is, "the color is wrong". How do  you respond?