Thursday, July 28, 2011

color scanning practice

Imaging Technologies
Color Scanning Practice

Use color prints to……

1. Scan for a website

2. Scan for a four color press using an lpi of 150

3. Scan for a digital portfolio or scrapbook

4. Scan for an InDesign page layout with picture boxes that are 3.5 inches wide and 4 inches wide

I would refer to the Scanning Worksheet, and/or pay attention to each of the following:

Scanning formula
Scanning mode
Original size
Target size
Scaling percentage
File format when saving

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

printing PDF's

To print out a PDF file, such as Learn these Computer Icons in Contents, Week One, under 2_Operating Systems.

Click on and open the file.

When the file opens you should see four gray icons near the bottom. They will quickly disappear, but if you drag your cursor down they will reappear. You will see a minus (zoom out) sign, a plus (zoom in) sign, and two others. One of the two others should help. With the one on the far right, you can download the file as a PDF and print it, or you can use the other to open the PDF in Preview and print. Just hold
your cursor over the icons and you will see a message explaining what they do.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Using the Nikon film scanner

Using the Nikon Film Scanner

1. Download the manual and save it as a PDF

2. Go to pages 24-34

On page 35, This should be all set for you.

3. Then, pages 36-38.

4. Pages 40-46 has detailed information on the Scan Window, ICE, ROC, and GEM.

ICE, ROC and GEM need to be done in Preview.

ICE for scratches and dust

ICE normal may be sufficient. ICE fine may soften the image.

ICE does not work with conventional black and white film, but would work with chromogenic black and white. Not recommended for Kodachrome, since Kodachrome was not E6 slide processed.

ROC for restoring faded colors.

View in preview. It is powerful and may look unnatural.

GEM for grain.

Preview levels. Start at level 2?

ICE may need to be turned off.

Monday, July 11, 2011


You have an exciting new client, Lonnie Lipchitz. OK, that’s not his real name. His real name is Lawrence Lipchitz, but his manager thought Lonnie had a little more “pizzaz.”
Lonnie is a retired cosmetic surgeon who made a small fortune as the first liposuction practitioner in Beverly Hills. He has decided he wants to be a successful recording artist and he wants your help. 
For openers, Lonnie wants you to design and produce the "full-color" artwork for his new CD, titled “Lonnie Lipchitz, Love Machine.” He’ll need three million CD inserts. Lonnie also needs posters for in-store promotions and give-aways. Plus, he wants postcards to send to his fans and promoters. 
Lonnie wants a logo developed from the art on his photo. He wants his logo color to have the same "passion as Coca-Cola red, but with a little pinkish tone for the love factor". You will need to get approval from Lonnie when you come up with this color.  

Your assignment, should you chose to accept it:

1. Develop your ideas and present them.

2. Explain how the pieces are going to be printed. Offset lithography, ink jet, laser? 

3. What about the sizes of the printed materials? What material will they be printed on? Are these factors important? If so, why?

4. Suggest at least two other services or products you could provide.  Briefly, how would you create them? Consider software, file formats, color models and modes, and fonts. 

But first, here are some questions for you.

The photo you have been given to work with is from a black and white magazine ad. What is wrong with Lonnie's photo?

Can you fix it? How?

How will you convert Lonnie's photo to color?

What color mode or model will you use if the photo is going to printed in four colors?

What color mode or model will you use if the photo is going to be displayed on his website? 

How will you recreate Lonnie's logo and match the  color throughout  your workflow?

What type of  software and graphic would be preferred for the logo you are recreating?

What scanning formula and image mode will you use to scan his photo for the CD insert?

What file format will you save it in?

A CD insert is 5" x 5". Will this influence your scan? How?

For and ad in "Rolling Stone" magazine, what would your scanning formula and image mode be? How can you be sure about this?

What scanning formula and image mode will you use to scan his photo for the web?

What file format will you save it in?

How will you send Lonnie your artwork for approval? What is one extra procedure you could utilize to be sure the file does not get "corrupted"?

Lonnie is really upset. His color he wanted for his logo is not what he sees on his computer or his cell phone. How do you explain this to him? How do you reassure him the color will be correct when it is reproduced?

Lonnie sent you some (he claims) "really cool" type and layout ideas as digital files, attachments and links. There are some typefaces you've never seen, much less are able to identify. There are some graphics that are really jaggie and unusable, even if they did not infringe copyright. He also sent you one file with a .wps extension. List some of the problems you might encounter with what he has sent, and how you could attempt to solve them. 


Adding Glyph to Character Palettes Favorites

Adding a glyph to Favorites in Character Palette.
Read steps and refer to the graphic below.

Text Edit>Format>Fonts>Show Fonts.

Select a font name, typeface, and point size.

In the bottom left hand corner, to the right of the minus sign, click on the Font Pane Actions icon (it looks like a spoked wheel with a downward facing triangle next to it).

Go to Characters…..

When the Characters window opens, be sure View: Glyph and the Glyph Catalog button is highlighted.

Click on one of the glyphs.

Go to the Font Pane Actions icon and select Add to Favorites.

Then click on the Favorites button, just to the right of the Glyph Catalog button the see if the glyph is saved.

To use what you have saved, go back to Text Edit

Go to Favorites>Font Pane Actions>Characters>Glyph and you can insert by clicking on Insert with Font in lower right hand corner.